Thursday, June 4, 2009

Deadliest Warrior - Spartan vs Ninja

Deadliest Warrior is a television program on Spike (Tuesdays @ 10PM) in which historical warriors are put against each other to see who can outlast the other. Each episode showcases two warriors in a hypothetical battle to the death. Each warrior is given weapons from the particular group they are associated with. Modern fighters and experts on said weapons present the strengths, and weaknesses of each arsenal, including real tests of the weapons. The data collected is then fed into a computer simulation to determine the average winner of one thousand battles. After the winner is determined, a mock battle takes place to showcase how each weapon is used in a real battle situation, and to determine which combatant is the "deadliest warrior".

(Footnote): According to this show the Spartan would win, however I believe realistically if this fight were to ever occur the Ninja would defeat the Spartan. Firstly a Spartan would have most likely not have been able to recognize a ninja as one. In reality, a ninja would never be so overt and self-evident as to his intention if he saw a fight coming in broad daylight. The ninja way would be to seduce him with a kunoichi and dispatch him in his sleep or otherwise make an example out of him, or assasinate the enemy's leader to cause chaos and distract from the idea of a need for conflict. If they ever fought an individual like this, it was on terms they would dictate and would be no fight at all.


Overall Winner: Spartan
Despite the Ninja's skill and stealth capabilities and large arsenal of deadly weapons, the spartan shield was just the killing blow for the ninja, proving itself to be both an immovable defense and deadly weapon. It proved vital to the Spartan for blocking Ninja projectiles and slamming the Ninja to the ground. The consensus reached was that while Ninja weapons could disable, Spartan weapons could kill and that a Ninja who relied on stealth would be no match for a Spartan in a direct duel.

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