Thursday, June 4, 2009

Deadliest Warrior - Samurai vs Viking

Deadliest Warrior is a television program on Spike (Tuesdays @ 10PM) in which historical warriors are put against each other to see who can outlast the other. Each episode showcases two warriors in a hypothetical battle to the death. Each warrior is given weapons from the particular group they are associated with. Modern fighters and experts on said weapons present the strengths, and weaknesses of each arsenal, including real tests of the weapons. The data collected is then fed into a computer simulation to determine the average winner of one thousand battles. After the winner is determined, a mock battle takes place to showcase how each weapon is used in a real battle situation, and to determine which combatant is the "deadliest warrior".


Overall Winner: Samurai
Although the Viking's fierce courage, brute power, and defensive versatility are impressive, the Samurai's technical skills, quickness, and arsenal of specialized weaponry gave him a narrow victory in the third-closest episode to date. This is the closest one-on-one fight yet, and the closest fight not involving modern weapons.

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