Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Jackie Chan praises kung fu of Will Smith's son

Well in case you had no idea...yes there is a remake of the classic movie "The Karate Kid", however it is to be renamed "Kung Fu Kid"... Right now there aren't much details but apparently Will Smith's son (Jaden Smith) will be playing Ralph Macchio's main character and Jackie Chan as the iconic Mr. Miyagi. Expected a release around summer 2010.

HONG KONG - Jackie Chan says "Kung Fu Kid" co-star Jaden Smith's dedication to martial arts puts his own son to shame. The 11-year-old son of Hollywood stars Will Smith and Jada Pinkett Smith has been training under Chan's stunt co-ordinator for his role in the China Film Group-Columbia Pictures remake of the 1984 hit "The Karate Kid," which kicked off filming in Beijing on July 11. In a diary entry on his official Web site, Chan said he was deeply impressed by the younger Smith's progress when he visited Los Angeles last month. The veteran Hong Kong action star said Jaden Smith learned the Chinese phrases for different kung fu moves, responded to orders in Mandarin, and treated his teacher, Wu Gang, according to traditional Chinese custom. "When he was thirsty, he gave the traditional hand gesture, putting one fist into the palm of the other, bowed and asked permission to drink some water," Chan said. Chan said Smith even learned the drunken fighter routine he made famous in his 1978 film "Drunken Master."

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