Thursday, August 21, 2008

I Cant Hear You

Ok..I'd Like to start seeing some more "reader input" here on the blog. Dont be afraid to comment or even respond to a comment from some body else BTW that's what makes blogs so great. Plus the more opinions and comments i see the cooler this blog will get. It dosent have to be anything thought provoking (leave that up to me... lol) Just whatever you wanna say if just fine. So once again, anyone and everyone...lemme see those comments.

If you don't know how to comment look right underneath this post and you will see....a link that says "comments" right next to the little picture of the the "comments" link and jott down a thought and or response.

Thanks, anything is welcomed and appreciated.....unless its mean and nasty then forget about constructive criticism is always welcomed.

.......P.S i know this picture is kinda horrible (i am a cat person myself, but its is kinda funny and goes along with this entry post.....LOL).....ENJOY!


LS said...

Wow, this blog is really robust! I'm just getting my big toe wet here, but so far I really like the global art of combat perspective. Hey, does that cat do martial arts? (is that how it lost it's ear?)

Lt. Fire Guy said...

cool picture.
very funny.
the blog is really coming together.