Monday, August 25, 2008

Don't Be A Scaredy-Cat

Come to find that majority of the people that want to, or are interested in practicing in the Martial Arts, or at least giving it a try seem to be hesitant (scared).

Some reasons for this might include:

1. Some feel they are physically not in shape to train in the Martial Arts

2. Some don't have the time or energy to get out and train

3. Some don't know anything about Martial Arts and would feel embarrassed if they where to train with other experienced student

4. Some may not know of any good credible Martial Arts schools in their area

5. Some think that the Martial Arts is all about fighting and nothing else, and they are
unaware of the physical and emotional benefits that the Martial Arts has to offer.

I would like to take a minute and bring light to some of these reasons (excuses) that people may have for not training in the Martial Arts

Response to #1:
If someone feels they are not physically in shape enough to engage in Martial Arts training i would respond with: You don't need to be in world class shape to train, anyone has the ability to engage on some level and train in the Martial Arts. Also training in Martial Arts gives you the physical ability and tools to get into shape and stay in shape.

Response to #2:
If someone feels that they don't have the time and or energy to train in the Martial Arts i would respond with: Training at Triple Cities Martial Arts Academy has it's advantages; this is because we offer a wide selection of styles that are offered throughout the week days and at different times throughout the evening day. So if you could only fit in a a couple hours a week of training and typically towards the later part of the evening then you might want to consider our Art Of Combat Fighting System and or Traditional Japanese Ninjutsu. Also Triple Cities Martial Arts Academy offers private lessons to suite anyones needs and or schedule. (call for pricing 607-729-4826)

Response to #3:
If someone feels that they would be embarressed training with other highly skilled or more experienced students my response would be: Once again to consider private lessons at Triple Cities Martial Arts Academy, where the student can learn one on one instruction at their own comfortable speed and pace. Also in general, training at Triple Cities Martial Arts Academy is fun no matter what your skill level is. We have students that are beginners all the way up to World Champion Black Belts and at Triple Cities Martial Arts Academy we do not judge the ability of fellow students. Garunteed you are not alone in your worries of feeling embarrassed. But with continuous training you will see and feel yourself getting better, stronger and more confident after every class.

Response to #4:
For someone that feels they don't know where to start in regards to which school to begin training at my response would be: look on the internet (Google & Yahoo) for local Martial Arts Schools in your area. But if you live in the Broome County area and find yourself not knowing where to start, Triple Cities Martial Arts Academy is perfect for you! We have programs for everyone and anyone, and also are the ONLY Martial Arts School In Broome County to be officially certified to teach Traditional Japapnese Ninjutsu. We are also the only officially certified Martial Arts school in New York State to teach the Art Of Combat Fighting System. We also are great with children and offer Tiny Tigers Karate which helps with children's confidence and concentration. We also offer Aerobic Kickboxing. Which is where you can learn self defense techniques and get into shape all while having fun. We have credentials and experience in training past World Class Champions and also World Class People!

Response to #5:
For someone thinking that Martial Arts is all about fighting and defending yourself my response would be: This is not true at all! Martial Arts is a way of life. From the way you train, to the way you think, to the way you handle yourself with the outside world, to how you treat people and how you all around live your life. Yes you will learn how to defend yourself if you ever need to for any reason. However at Triple Cities Martial Arts we do not just teach our students to fight. We train them to become better people within their family, society and succeed later in life. Training at Triple Cities Martial Arts Academy you get both physical and emotional benefits.
Improved Reflexes and Coordination which increases your performance in all physical activities.

Physical Benefits
  • Increased Strength and Stamina, boosts energy so you feel great all day
  • Increased Flexibility & Weight Control for better overall fitness
  • Great Cardiovascular Work Out keeps you in good shape physically.
Mental Benefits
  • Improved Concentration for better work and study habits
  • Stress Reduction & Increased Levels of Relaxation for a longer, healthier life
  • The Peace of Mind that comes from knowing that you are able to Protect Yourself & Your Family
  • Increased Self Confidence & Self Discipline to develop a positive attitude toward life.
.....So if you found yourself using these reasons for not training in Martial Arts.....well now you cant (lol). Seriously though i just hope to shed some light on what Martial Arts can do for people of all types, abilities and ages. Also letting you know what Triple Cities Martial Arts Academy can offer you and how it is the best place to consider starting your training.

For information about classes, enrollment and pricing please contact Instructor Rick Henderson:
(607) 729-4826


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