Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Aerobic Kickboxing FAQ's...

What is Kick-Box Aerobics?

Kick-Box Aerobics is a cardio kickboxing class that is a hybrid of boxing, martial arts and aerobics done rhythmically to music. Cardio kickboxing is also known as aerobic kickboxing or fitness kickboxing. Offering an intense cross-training and total-body workout it utilizes the training routines used by martial artists in the sports of boxing and kickboxing. The objective of Kick-Box Aerobics is not to make a "fighter" out of you, but rather to give a balanced overall program that combines a cardio aerobic workout with the techniques for self-defense.

What are the benefits of cardio kickboxing?

These classes give you a full body workout and improve your physical fitness, flexibility, coordination, and balance.. If you do the punches with precision and power, you will strengthen your upper body and eventually see more muscle definition. The kicks will strengthen your legs. And kneeing moves (a strike in which you thrust your bent knee upward) will firm your abdominal muscles; in fact, all of the moves, when done correctly, will make your torso into a solid base that lets you do day-to-day tasks more easily. Your cardiovascular system will benefit, too. A lot of people find cardio kickboxing a great way to release stress. The stress relief and the channeling of aggression can be as beneficial as the actual physical workout itself.

Who should take a cardio kickboxing class?

Anyone who wants to get in better shape. Although primarily designed for adults, cardio kickboxing classes can benefit teens too. Student athletes can train to improve their phyical fitness and conditioning. And the resulting boost in self-confidence gives a mental edge.

What should I expect in a cardio kickboxing class?

The class starts with a warm-up period, moves to fast shadowboxing and kicking drills, then to heavy bag work, and ends with some strength building exercises and a cool down stretch. Be prepared to feel a little clumsy and lost at times - but don't let yourself feel discouraged. Even if you're a highly conditioned runner or you've been doing step aerobics for years, these moves may be new to your body. Pay attention to what feels right to you. Don't do a move that hurts, and take breaks if you feel tired. Your muscles need time to develop their "memory", and your reactions as the teacher calls out what to do ("jab, cross, hook, roundhouse") will be slow at first. By the second or third class, the awkwardness will start to dissipate.

What should I wear?

Sweats, shorts and a T-shirt, an aerobic-dance outfit -- whatever keeps you comfortable and cool. Wear well-made athletic shoes that aren't too worn. Running shoes aren't ideal because they're not constructed for side-to-side movements. Basketball, tennis or other shoes designed for pivots and lateral movements are better. It is also very important that your shoes are clean.

Will Kick-Box Aerobics give me skills to defend myself?

Since you will be working out anyway, learning basic self-defense skills at the same time is an added benefit. Over time you will develop strong kicking and punching abilities and learn the practical application of techniques practiced in the air on the heavy bag

How can I get the most out of the classes?

As with any other exercise, if you want to improve your cardiovascular condition or trim an inch here and there, you'll have to do it regularly. Two or more sessions a week is probably optimal; in between classes it is good to mix things up. For example take a brisk walk or run, do some yoga to increase your flexibility, or simply take a day to rest.

(Click Here) Please Visit The Triple Cities Martial Arts Academy Aerobic Kickboxing Website

1 comment:

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